Monday, May 17, 2010

I quit

I made it through the last decade.
It was spent, as far as I can tell, reminiscing the last century
at about 100x the speed.
I quit a job once again.
I'm quitting smoking.
I am preparing for this new century.
I'm certain that this is the last century for the U.S.A.
It could even be the last decade.
This last year and a half has been filled with a stifling amount of
mental illness, alcoholism, and childishness.
I don't think it's a new thing, it's just my crowds time.
I only succumb in rare instances.
I end up having to be a massive anchor for
many people so they don't end up drifting too far out.
We are products of our environment after all.

I don't like to sit around and conspire, but I do get a kick out of following them.
As much as I disbelieve just about anything that gets tossed around as an idea
I do have to say that I do believe that no one is too far off from the truth.
There's a reason for that.
People are so wrapped up in each others asses that they're
suffocating the imagination it takes to release themselves from them.
Okay so everyone's a conformist. I said it. There. Hah!